Title | Category | Date |
Annual Report 2018 | Financial Statements/ESG Information - [Annual Report] | 29/03/2019 |
ANNOUNCEMENT ON ANNUAL RESULTS FOR 2018 | Announcements and Notices - [Final Results] | 26/03/2019 |
PROFIT WARNING | Announcements and Notices - [Profit Warning] | 13/03/2019 |
NOTICE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS' MEETING | Announcements and Notices - [Date of Board Meeting] | 07/03/2019 |
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 28 February 2019 | Monthly Returns | 01/03/2019 |
CHANGE OF CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER | Announcements and Notices - [Change in Chief Executive] | 01/02/2019 |
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 January 2019 | Monthly Returns | 01/02/2019 |
Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 December 2018 | Monthly Returns | 02/01/2019 |